Pricing built for businesses of all sizes

Monthly Access Membership

From $150/Month
  • 24/7 Access
  • 24/7 amenities

Dedicated Desk

From $25/hour
  • Day Rate (8hrs) $135
  • Short to long-term flexibility
  • 24/7 amenities
  • 24/7 Access

Private Office

From $1200/month
  • 1200$ – 2200$ Monthly
  • 24/7 Access to the office
  • Short to long-term flexibility
  • Conference room access
  • Fully Furnished and functional


Utilize amenities based on your require- ments and needs for a streamlined and hassel free experience.
  • Podcast Room $150/hr
  • Mailboxes, $35/month
  • Conference Room $25/hr
  • Private Parking
  • Pet-Friendly Spaces
  • Kitchen
  • Quiet Room
  • Lounge